Saturday, January 5, 2008

42 C = 107.6 F

That was the temperature on New Year's Eve.... It made for one very hot night. It was my first ever boiling hot New Year's.... most of them lately have been in the snow. At least it eliminated the chance of being tackled into a snow bank by Billy!

So you are probably wondering how on earth we survived with no air-con. Well, I hid out in my department's computer lab during the heat of the day, and Billy just went to work. In the evening we had friends over and we just sat in the dark having a good time before venturing out into the heat around 11:30 to go see the fireworks downtown. Due to lack of transport and the fact the city closed off the main streets to taxis and trams, we were a wee bit late to the fireworks. So we were walking down Swanston as quickly as we could towards the river. We could see bits of the fireworks between the sky scrapers, and we could certainly hear them as the booms reverberated off buildings! It was definitely exciting...

So despite the heat, it turned out to be a wonderful new year's eve.

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