Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Billy's Birthday Celebration in Torquay

This last weekend we had a lot to celebrate, including my 30th birthday and Kersti handing in her last assignment for her Master’s! So we rented a beautiful house down in Torquay, a beach town about an hour and a half out of Melbourne. About 15 of our friends came down for the weekend, and we had a blast with excellent meals, time at the beach enjoying the sun and the boogie boarding, and just a little bit of partying at night as well. It turns out that I can still party like I’m 29! The weekend was an amazing success, no surprise given Kersti’s careful planning as always.

Kersti and I at our lovely house in Torquay

Our team: sophie, lisanne, brian, and Kristen

The other team: byron, Lindsay, james, Carmen, Andrew, and Matt.

Trust fall!
Light as a feather, stiff as a board…
Kristen giving Byron a little shove…

Cooking some steaks

Trying to get a better view

Andrew proud of this water drinking abilities

Sophie, Kersti and Kristen proudly displaying the birthday cupcakes they prepared.

Andrew and Matt at the beach, we were lucky with great weather

Lisanne doing some cartwheels with plenty of room to play cricket on the beach

Kersti proud of her clean and tidy kitchen

What can I say; we had a lot of margaritas…

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