Jungle Trekking... this was one of those adventures that I signed up for, knowing full well that it would not be fun, but that 'in the end I'll be glad I did it'. Now that the pain and discomfort is a distant memory, yes, I am glad I did it. But I assure you in no uncertain terms, I was not a happy camper during the 2-day trek.
We left Pai in a truck... I had the creme de la creme passenger seat, and Billy was in the bare bed of the truck with 4 israeli military guys (who were all very nice and interesting). The drive was quite long (2.5 hours) and I thought of Billy every bump of the way ;( The only consolation was at least he could enjoy a breeze!
We started our hike at 11am (nice hot time!) and went up and down a few mountains. The terrain was extremely steep and slippery. We were wearing our keen's (those outdoorsy closed toe sandals that are quite popular) and we should have been in hiking boots! No matter... all I had to do was dump out the sharp objects from the footbed every so often.

The guide made us all bamboo walking sticks (modelled below). Without those, I think I would have fallen off of one of the myriad steep cliffs. They were mazing.

One person at a time, please.

Enjoying some cool water on his feet at lunch time. We had fried rice in plastic baggies and tangerines ;) Best part was we didn't have to carry them!

There's Billy in the waterfall.

Much of the landscape was recently burned, or still burning!

We stayed the night in a village with a hill tribe family - the children escourted us down to the river so we could quasi wash the dirt off of ourselves!

They invented a game where the used our bamboo walking sticks to move themselves between squares.

The front yard of the house we stayed in.

Preparing breakfast

This is where we ate and slept!

The village is behind Billy



This is a banana tree... and the conical shape at the bottom is the BANANA FLOWER. We had banana flower salad in Pai that was delicious.

Emerging from the jungle we trekked across dried rice paddies... the rainy season will come in a month and that's when the farmers will start planting again. It was in this village where we stopped our trek and got back in the truck for the drive back to Pai.
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