Monday, February 2, 2009

Wilson's Promontory

So this weekend we managed to escape the stifling heat of Melbourne (it has been over 40 degrees Celsius or over 110 degrees Fahrenheit for several days), and headed to the coast to go camping at Wilson's Prom. We rented our car and picked up our friends on Friday after work, only to learn that our friend Lisanne had decided to bring her mattress, boogie boards, and chairs with her. Once she realised that we had not rented a moving van for our trip, we shoved what we could and left the rest behind. We folded up her foam mattress in the back seat between her and Brian, separating them in case things turned to blows, and headed out. We got in just before dark, but not before the mosquitoes were out in full force. It was quite hot with very little breeze, and unfortunately Kersti was attached by the mossies in full force. She ended up with well over 70 mosquito bites, and is still recovering.

But we had an awesome time, the "Tidal River" campsite is located right next to the beach, and we could hang out during the day and night at the beach. We went on a nice hike to a remote beach on Saturday, then hung out near our campsite as our other friends arrived.

Saturday night, around 4 AM, the wind really picked up, with gusts over 40 knots. The tent next door collapsed on the people asleep in it, and one tent down the campsite blew off into the trees at one point! We woke up the next morning to see that most of our friends had taken down their tents and were crammed up sleeping in the cars. Fortunately, our tent had held up well!

So after recovering Sunday we went for a beautiful hike around the Tidal River site. We got excellent views of the area, despite the wind. We then made the 3-hour drive return to Melbourne, to discover that things were still hot, but at least below 40

Enjoying the sunset at the beach near our campsite.

The group on our hike, with some major wind!

Showing off that masterpiece in sculpturing: the sand ball!

We didn't leave our chairs very often.

One of many wombats around the campsite, they will break into your tents if you keep food in them!

It was Kersti's kinda beach, no major wave action and crystal clear water!

Fashion statement or protection from the bugs?

At the end of our hike

Looking cleaner than we actually were at this point.

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