The whole family dressed up, and I busted out my tuxedo which I haven’t worn since the wedding. Luckily my mother in law had a bowtie and cumberbund handy, because I realized that I didn't own anything since I had rented that for the wedding! I had to teach myself how to tie a bowtie. YouTube came in very handy, and after a bajillion tries and some help from the guests, I got it right in the end.
Afterwards, Kersti, Julia, and I celebrated New Years at our friend Ronnie's house. His sisters from Israel were visiting, and they had helped him decorate the whole house! Our good friend Dan was there as well as many friends from the Bay Area whom we hadn’t seen in a while, so it was a fun reunion of sorts.
It was quite the party! We danced and played musical chairs (well, an adaptation thereof). We didn't have an outdoor stereo, but I provided vocals (which everyone, including the neighbors, enjoyed). And who knew how incredibly useful bead necklaces could be? Not only do they make fine, versatile jewelry that add class to any party, they can also serve as a limbo stick AND as a hula hoop (though not at the same time)! It comes as no surprise that I am a big fan of New Years, and I was very pleased to celebrate this year with old friends!

Hula Hooping with the bead necklace. I was struggling to do it with my hips (I can't hula hoop normally), but it worked well around my neck! I could've done this for hours!
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