We next made our long-awaited trip to Saratoga to visit Bill’s brother Max, his wife Amy, and our two nephews Isaac and Leo. Isaac and Leo were both born while we were away in Australia, so we hadn’t met them until we came back. It was so much fun getting to know them, hopefully they will remember Aunt Kersti and Uncle Billy next time we see them! They were so cute, although also a pair of trouble makers! A typical day included taking them to the park, giving Leo some ice cream, having dinner on the back porch, and playing on their back lawn (which seems like the size of a football field). David also came up for one weekend, so all the Peter bros were back together. It was a fun time; we hope to go back soon!
Picking blueberries, think we got enough? What was it? 29 lbs?

Playing in the fountains at the park

Leo loves to dance! He loves it so much he was willing to give an outdoor concert (for free!) for the neighborhood one evening.

Actually, this time he didn't like to dance. He thought the other children at the Kid's Concert smelled and wanted to keep a safe distance.

Bill and Isaac walking back from the fountain

Kersti scooting Isaac along. The guy loves to drive!

Swinging at the park


In their spacious back lawn

Our super accomodating hostess, Amy

Nap time!

The Peter bros chilling on the porch

Isaac takes the opportunity to go for the unattended pizza!
A gift from China, our little Buddhist nephew
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