Billy and I had gone on a date... we had enjoyed a lovely dinner at "la-di-da" and had seen"The Bucket List" in luxury in "gold class" at the Crown Casino Theater. Gold Class is very nice... you sit in huge microfibre-suede recliners and they bring you wine to your seat... and they serve the candy only in martini glasses (see skittles above). We had earned vouchers by participating in a grueling exercise study a few months back...
Anyway, we had walked back across the Yarra and were waiting for our tram at Flinders & Elizabeth Streets. Not the nicest of intersections, so we were trying to keep to ourselves. We saw a guy approaching us (6 ft, blond, caucasian, ~28-32 years) so I started to get scared... were we about to get beaten up again??!! Then he smiles and says, "This is going to sound really weird, but can I buy your (billy's) shirt? I know it sounds shady, but I really need it and I'll give you $100." Billy resisted... he liked his new shirt and a $66 proifit didn't seem worth it to him. I on the otherhand, was sold... the poor guy needed the shirt, and we had one to sell him. It's a win-win. Though, I should have held out for more :) Anyway, we sold it to that nice young man... and billy disrobed in the middle of the street. Lluckily he had a jacket, or walking back into Ormond would have been a wee bit awkward.
1 comment:
I'm just disappointed that you didn't take a photo of shirtless billy!
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