Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fun in Melbourne

We haven't been very responsible lately with the blog, so here is a quick update of some recent fun social events...

Sophie & Michael's Engagement Party.... here's the happy couple!

We finally caught the fire balls at Crown Casino on camera... on the hour a series of these columns shoot out extremely huge flames that really warm you up! Luckily, we haven't yet been singed.

We attended our first Ormond party... it was a wednesday night so I thought it was just a little student "get-together". Nope, a full blown party with kegs, DJ, crystal ball, etc... It was held in the interior courtyard of the beautiful main building. I have to admit I felt VERY strange and waited impatiently until Billy agreed to go home with me. But anyway, it was a cowboy & indian theme (yep, not PC here)...
And finally, here's a picture Billy took from our balcony... the lights beneath the moon are not aliens or a second moon rising, but the racecourse.

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