Monday, October 22, 2007

Kersti turns 27...

Thus far I have had a lovely birthday and Billy has treated me like a queen! He made coffee and purchased a big heart shaped pastry at the bakery this morning. And he presented me with a wonderful framed collage of photos from our trips around Australia. After a little hunting on the computer, I found the image file for your viewing pleasure... (you can enlarge it by clicking on the image)

My mother and sisters organised a conference call this morning during which they performed a wonderful rendition of 'happy birthday'... Bravo!

Meanwhile, fun is over and it's back to the grind for me. I have a presentation this evening and then have to start pumping out the papers over the next 10 days! 'Twill be loads of fun, though I'd rather be out in the sun. It was nearly 90 degrees yesterday and today is another warm day, though I have my hopes set on rain. The drought is grim... I went running at the park yesterday morning and realised how dry the grass has become... it's the middle of spring and the grass is the same colour as soccer fields in california in late July... not good.

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