Friday, September 28, 2007

Handcuffed Mexican Children Steal US Border Patrol Vehicle

Another goody....

Border patrol handcuffed three mexican 'children' because he suspected they had marijuana in their truck. So the policeman put the kids in his patrol car while he searched the truck in question.. meanwhile, those industrious kids, still handcuffed, drove off in the car (and escaped!)... lesson learned: perhaps lock them in the back if you're going to leave the car running?,23599,22485435-13762,00.html

And I was going to include the story about a Russian boy who was running away from home and climbed into the wing of a jet... and took a 2-hour flight (at 10K feet)... to survive, but with severe, severe frostbite. But it's too sad :( I think he's going to lose both his hands. OK -- no more! Back to work, kersti!

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