Friday, September 28, 2007
Handcuffed Mexican Children Steal US Border Patrol Vehicle
Border patrol handcuffed three mexican 'children' because he suspected they had marijuana in their truck. So the policeman put the kids in his patrol car while he searched the truck in question.. meanwhile, those industrious kids, still handcuffed, drove off in the car (and escaped!)... lesson learned: perhaps lock them in the back if you're going to leave the car running?,23599,22485435-13762,00.html
And I was going to include the story about a Russian boy who was running away from home and climbed into the wing of a jet... and took a 2-hour flight (at 10K feet)... to survive, but with severe, severe frostbite. But it's too sad :( I think he's going to lose both his hands. OK -- no more! Back to work, kersti!
Doctors find consuming 60 pints of beer over 4 days is bad
A man had a crazy beer binge following a domestic crisis, consuming 60 pints of beer over 4 days (~35 liters)... surprisingly, instead of instant death, this led to a 4-week hangover involving intense headaches and blurred vision. It took them 6 months of blood-thinning treatments to restore his vision!!,23599,22496816-13762,00.html
17 pound baby born
Note to all... avoid potatoes, noodles and tomatoes during pregnancy, at all cost. Here's the link to the reuter's article...,23739,22490809-5013016,00.html?from=mostpop
Poker Night
We were pretty high stakes players, as you can see. We played texas hold'em. I think next time I will do even better because I won't fold at the inappropriate times (like when I already had placed a double blind bet and tried to fold before anything had been raised). Oh well! It was pretty nice when a few times billy and I were the only two left in the hand... I didn't care who won since we'd take the pot no matter what! We'll have to monopolize on this husband-wife-poker duo. Maybe there's a bright future for us?!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tasmanian Devils
Tasmanian Devils Play...
Tasmanian Devils Eat....
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Billy Goes to Work
While this is several weeks old, Blogger now lets us upload videos... so here he is, heading off to join the corporate world! And now he'll tell you about it...
So I have now settled into my new job at Nemmco, and things are going well. A bit of a change wearing a suit and tie everyday, but things are pretty relaxed at the office. I take the tram to and from work everyday, right into the the business district, and I've got a nice view of the river and bay from the twelfth floor. I can even see the sailboats out in the bay, a bit of a reminder how much I'd rather be out on the water!
I still have a hard time describing my job and what Nemmco does, here is their website for more info: Basically, they run the electricity market in Australia. They are a regulated company, meaning they are run just like a company but there income is set so that they can't make a profit (as they are a natural monopoly). I compare them to the ASX, except for the electricity market. NEMMCO is also in charge of ensuring that everyone gets their electricity as well, so when there is a brownout in Australia you know my company is having problems!
My specific job title is Metering Data and Process Analyst. Very official sounding. Basically my job consists of two parts. The first is that I organize the auditing of the metering providers. In other words, we randomly select buildings and check to make sure that the electricity readings (and resulting bills) coming from that building are correct. So of course, I signed up our own apartment building for the audit.
The second part of my job is more interesting. It invovles the analysis of the data set. It is the thought to be the largest data set in the Southern Hemisphere, as it basically includes all energy transfers within Australia, with the price of electricity set every half hour. There are a few measurables in terms of system's performance that have been steadily decreasing, so my job is to figure our why and come up with a fix.
So, I'm learning a lot about the utilities market and database analysis skills, as well as getting used to working at a corporate job. My co-workers are really helpful and friendly, it is a proffesional but relaxed environment. But it is mentally tiring, especially because my boss sits directly behind me so can see what I am doing at all times (even while I type this blog).
Okay, that's all for now. After all, I'm a working man nowadays...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
To enlarge the photos... just click on them
Birds: Crazy & Colorful
I was biking alongside Billy as he went for a short run through the park. He stopped to stretch so we pulled over and I left my helmet on (it was doubling as a nice sun visor!).... within a very short time, I was hit in the back of the head by the bird! It approached me from behind (just as the kite had)... so Billy saw it just as it hit me! CRAZY.... My helmet is shiny and red... maybe I looked like a tasty fish (?). I think these birds need to learn some better survival skills.
After the chaos had passed from my attack, we started noticing these beautiful birds up in the tops of the palm trees... THEY ARE CALLED RAINBOW LORIKEETs
Party time at the Postgrad Ball

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Billy the artist. Medium: sand.
Billy worked on the boat today... they waxed it while it was pulled out of the water. So I went to meet him in the beautiful beach town of Brighton (after the hard work was done, of course). He met me at the train station and we had a lovely outdoor lunch and then walked past the pretty houses to the beach. It was there that Billy decided to experiment with body art. (See video)
The beach is lined with these little houses that are independently owned--great place for storing the barbie and beach chairs! I wonder how much people pay... probably a lot.